

Please click on Photo to View a Larger Picture:

Job:  Saint John Harbour Bridge Rehabilitation


Job:  One Mile House Viaduct


Job: Hwy 401- 3 locations



Job: ONR Bridge Rehab



Job: Demolition, Construct SPCSP Culvert


Job: 100th Ave Bridge Rehabilitation


Job: Bridge Deck Replacement





Job: One Tree Creek


Job: Strandherd Armstrong Bridge





Job: Hwy 400 Bayfield Rd


Job: Hwy 124 MTO 2013-5126



Job: Hebron GBS Project


Job: Ghostpine Creek Bridge, Three Hills


Job: Chapel Arm Bridge, Southwest River Bridge, NFL


Job: Bridge Rehab Various Structures – City of St. John’s


Job: Big Brook Bridge Repair


Job: University of Saskatoon Bridge Rehab


Job: Various Bridge Rehab Brampton


Job: Shoal Cove Bridge Replacement 


Job: York Br. & Culvert Rehab, McCowan Rd 

Job: Stoney Brook Bridge Replacement


Job: Blackmarsh Rd. Rehab. 


Job: Caribou Phase 2 Repairs


Job: Diefenbaker Bridge Barrier and Rail Repair/Replacement Project


Job:  Carrying Hwy. 24 over the Bow River, S.E.


Job:  Idylwyld Drive Overpass at Ruth Street Rehabilitation


Job:  Rehabilitation to Broad Cove Bridge (aka the Eastport Road Causeway Bridge)


Job:  Rehabilitation of the Port Blandford Causeway Bridge


Job: Bridge Rehabilitation at Hwy. 2 Peace River 


Job: Bakers Brook Bridge, Hwy 430, Gros Mourne National Park


Job: Pattison Bridge Repair, Calgary, AB

Job: NSY Gulfspan Dock Fender Installation, North Sydney NS


Job: PAB Alternate Dock Fender Installation, Port Aux Basque, NL


Job: Turbine Chamber No. 1 Repairs, Nalcor, St. John’s


Job: PAB Gulfspan Dock Automated Mooring


Job: 49th Ave. Red Deer River Bridge – Girder Strengthening


Job: Duggan Bridge Minor Repairs


Job: Hwy. 41 over Battle River, 18 km N. of Wainwright. Central Region

Job: High Load Damage and O/W. BF 75667 Hwy 616 over Hwy 2. 8 KM West of Millet

Job: Emergency Repairs to the Fixed Loading Ramp at St. Bare Wharf

Job: Bridge Rehab Cum196, Route 321 U/P Oxford Bridge


Job: Rehab 4 Bridges on Hwy 16 and Hwy 4 Near North Battleford, Saskatchewan




Job: BRIDGE REHABILITATION AND OTHER WORK  – Carrying Hwy. 2 over Nine Mile Creek, 3 km S.E. of Widewater NORTH CENTRAL REGION


Job: Bridge Rehabilitation, One Project in Inverness County, Point Tupper RR Overpass


Job: Hanson Ranch Culvert Repair (Hidden Creek Drive NW)


Job: PAB Stand-off Dolphin Fenders

Job: NSTIR 2019-113 One Project in Lunenburg County

Job: Rehab of Maymony Bridge Hwy 376 over North Sask. River


Job: Bridge Rehab Hwy 2 over 53, West of Ponoka


Job: Rehab of Finlay Bridge located in Medicine Hat AB


Job: Rehab of Union Street Underpass TCH Km 430.5 in Grand Falls Windsor NL


Job: Wharf and Pier Repairs Halifax and Dartmouth


Job: Rehabilitation of 16th Ave. Bridge over Crowchild Trail


Job: Rehabilitation of Mckenzie Road over Highway 2 located in the City of Red Deer


Job: Rehabilitation of 4 Pedestrian Bridges for the City of Medicine Hat


Job: Deck Rehabilitation of Nackawic River Bridge


Job: Florenceville River Bridge Rehabilitation – Phase 3


Job: Replacement of Expansion Joints of 6 Bridges


Job: Rehabilitation of Highway 25 over Highway 3 Interchange Bridges


Job: Red Deer River Bridge on Hwy 54, Innisfail


Job: Bridge Rehabilitation – Carrying Hwy. 39 over Modeste Creek E of Drayton Valley


Job: Macdonald Bridge Approach Spans Resurfacing and Expansion Joint Replacement, MacKay Bridge Approach Roads Resurfacing, and K-Ramp Expansion Joint Replacement



Job: Florenceville River Bridge Rehabilitation – Phase 4




Job: Expansion Joint Replacement – Package A


Job: Expansion Joint Replacement – Package B


Job: Athabasca River Bridge on Hwy. 43 (WBL) 5km NW of Whitecourt



Job: Princess Margaret Bridge Rehab